
Blank Noise

Blank Noise explores the issue of sexual harassment of women by combining personal storytelling with public actions. Women tell their stories by sending garments that they wore when harassed, blog together during a ‘blogathon’ about what happened to them, post photographs of places where they were harassed, and tell stories of how they reacted to street harassment.

The Bell Bajao campaign: Fighting domestic violence

The Bell Bajao campaign was conceived by Mumbai-based NGO Breakthrough, to mobilise men to take a stand against domestic violence.

A series of public service announcements were broadcast on Indian radio, television and print showing men and boys who had witnessed domestic violence and intervened. 'Bell Bajao' translates as 'ring the bell', referring to the idea that anyone can help stop domestic violence by being proactive and drawing attention to it.

The Zero Rupee Note fights corruption

The Zero Rupee Note is a campaign tool that Vijay Anand created through his organisation 5th pillar.

The Zero Rupee note is a visual aid to mobilise people to say 'no' to corrupt officials and to expose where and when bribes are demanded. Its design is based on the Indian 50 Rupee note, but printed on the note in English and Tamil is the message: 'Eliminate Corruption at all levels' and 'I promise to neither accept nor give a bribe'.

We the Women

To draw attention to laws banning women from driving cars in Saudi Arabia, Areej Khan, a Saudi artist and graphic designer living in the US, created the 'We the Women' campaign. The project got women to respond to the question, "To drive or not drive?" by writing their answers on stickers that they could post in public spaces. Participants also photographed their stickers and added them to the campaign's Flickr photo group and Facebook page.

“Give Lukashenko his own Lu-net!”

Belarusians created a group of websites they called LuNet, in mock honour of President Alexander Lukasheko’s birthday, after he promised to increase internet censorship. The sites, which were a play on words using sites such as Youtube and Livejournal, were packed with government propaganda amid ironic posts which increased awareness to internet censorship and the detention of bloggers for political purposes.


IamJan25: Documenting the Egyptian uprising

The website collects images and videos captured by demonstrators in Tahrir Square, where hundreds of thousands of Egyptians gathered on 25 January 2011 to protest against the regime of then-president Hosni Mubarak. It is a collection of eye-witness accounts recording this significant piece of history from the point of view of the people on the ground. Containing over 7,000 videos and pictures, the website is the largest online archive of its kind.
