
The Bell Bajao campaign: Fighting domestic violence

The Bell Bajao campaign was conceived by Mumbai-based NGO Breakthrough, to mobilise men to take a stand against domestic violence.

A series of public service announcements were broadcast on Indian radio, television and print showing men and boys who had witnessed domestic violence and intervened. 'Bell Bajao' translates as 'ring the bell', referring to the idea that anyone can help stop domestic violence by being proactive and drawing attention to it.

Women'sNet: Digital Storytelling

Digital Stories for Transformation documents stories rarely told, and rarely heard. Organised by Women's Net, an organisation working to advance gender equality and justice in South Africa, these videos allow women to share their personal experiences of surviving violence through digital storytelling. The approach allows people to use animation, photos, music, and live video to tell first-person stories. These are then distributed to human rights advocates, policy-makers, and service and aid workers.


Caught Between the Tiger and the Crocodile

The Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) used digital video to document abusive conditions and human rights violations reported by sex workers detained in so-called  ‘rehabilitation’ centres in Cambodia.  Sex workers interviewed after their release and escape told personal stories of assault, rape, and denial of access to clean food, water, and medicine.  They posted this video on YouTube and, and presented it at a day of action for 500 sex workers in Phnom Penh.

Zenga Zenga: Gaddafi's speech as a dance tune

In February 2011, after watching the late Libyan leader Colonel Muammar Gaddafi give an hour-long speech in an attempt to regain control, Israeli DJ Noy Alooshe acted quickly. Using video software and Auto-Tune, a tool to digitally distort voices, Alooshe spliced snippets of Gaddafi's speech with beats from American rappers T Pain and Pitbull's hit 'Hey Baby'. Within 24 hours he had uploaded the mash-up to YouTube. After just one week, the video had been viewed 2.7 million times.

IamJan25: Documenting the Egyptian uprising

The website collects images and videos captured by demonstrators in Tahrir Square, where hundreds of thousands of Egyptians gathered on 25 January 2011 to protest against the regime of then-president Hosni Mubarak. It is a collection of eye-witness accounts recording this significant piece of history from the point of view of the people on the ground. Containing over 7,000 videos and pictures, the website is the largest online archive of its kind.


Skype is the most popular service around for voice calls over the internet. You can also use live text chat and send files. Many international organisations rely on Skype to reduce their costs, using it instead of the telephone. It makes online collaboration between global grassroots communities easier, as it is both cheap and universal, supporting calls to landlines and mobile phones.


Screencasting software lets you record what is happening on the screen of your computer as a video file. This can be used together with audio narration to create useful help videos. Windows has at least two good open source options: Cam Studio and Webinaria. These both allow you to record audio from your microphone or choose another sound source. You can select the whole screen for recording, or just part of it. Record My Desktop offers the same functionality in Linux, and you can record screencasts with QuickTime player on a Mac.
